Diverse group of people with fists in circle smiling
Employer Information

How to Increase Diversity Within the Workplace

Diversity has become a buzzword over the last few years, however, some hiring managers often forget the benefits of a more diverse workforce, and that they can bring to the organisation and brand as a whole. Diversity is not just race, but also age, gender, religion, physical conditions and sexual orientation. 

When a diversity of opinion, outlook and background is embraced in your company, it can increase your performance, as well as making the business fun for all. Plus, having a diverse and inclusive workplace can mean that your business is 6x more likely to be innovative, and 2x more likely to meet and exceed financial targets. 

How Can We Increase Diversity in My Business? 

Share the Decision Making Process 

One of the easiest ways to increase diversity within your company is to create a team for the hiring process, that will help to make the final decision and help to overcome the issue of discrimination. 

Educate Employees 

Educating employees on the importance of workplace diversity is vital when increasing the inclusivity of your company. When training, you should give real-life examples, and how they should tackle these should they arise in the future. How they can improve diversity in their own daily roles. 

Make Alterations and Promote Flexibility 

Making suitable changes for your employees is key to your employee retention and their happiness and motivation, and also think of ways to reward staff. For example, mothers who are just returning to work may require flexible working hours. Other examples include extra time off for family affairs, or time off for religious holidays. 

Create Workplace Policies 

Creating and editing policies to ensure diversity is organisational wide will help your company to apply diversity rules across the whole board. Alos, when hiring make sure your job descriptions reach broader audiences. 

Build a Culture of Inclusiveness 

Encourage your team to learn and grow across all functions within the business, and to network and meet each other. You can also encourage this by setting up team lunches every month or expand team meetings or outings. 

Creating a culture and business where diversity is seen as important is vital for the operation of your business, as well as staff retention and brand reputation. Increase your workplace diversity and inclusion by making it a culture where everyone feels respected and welcomed. If you want a diverse workforce, and are thinking about recruiting, contact us now to find out how our services may help you.